Category Archives: Herbal Remedies

Some Herbal Remedies to Increase Fertility

Fertility drugs can sometimes cause undesired side effects in women seeking pregnancy. Another route to consider that may increase fertility is the use of herbal remedies that will help the uterus become toned and healthy, balance hormones, reduce stress and calm the nervous system. Some herbs that are considered useful in curing fertility problems are:…

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Herbal Remedies for Some Common Everyday Ailments

Some of us suffer from common, everyday ailments that can be treated effectively by herbal remedies rather than an expensive trip to the doctor and resulting prescriptions. Specific herbs can be made into healing salves, tonics and teas not only to relieve irritating symptoms that accompany these ailments, but also to cure them. Herbal remedies…

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Herbal Remedies Used to Help Treat ADHD

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is a disorder that affects both children and adults. Learning disabilities such as forgetfulness, inability to organize thoughts and shortened attention span can make ADHD a very frustrating illness to live with. Research has shown that the cause of ADHD is a failure of the brain to properly stimulate the…

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